
Zucchini Pancakes

I sorta miss my blog. I told myself I wouldn’t do any regular posting during my 21-day eCookbook challenge to keep myself on task and increase my odds of finishing on time (which I still am, and I’d love it if you signed up to get an email notification and discount when the eCookbook is done!) but let’s tell the truth here. There is a definite limit to the amount of thought that should be given to creamy cauliflower sauce in three short weeks. And besides, I miss taking pictures, sharing food, talking to you. That whole thing. There was a morning somewhere between Day 7 and Day 10 where I woke up and mentally prepared myself to make four creamy cauliflower sauce pastas before lunch. Ready, set, go. And then this message came from my brain: forget sauce. make something that has nothing to do with your eCookbook and is yummy to eat for breakfast and involves these greenies. My mind went back to the most golden-delicious zucchini pancakes that I made way back during that time when Pinch o